It is our great joy to celebrate the sacrament of baptism in our parish.
In the name of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we act on the command
of Christ himself, and with his authority, to baptise all who request new life and who respond to the call of the Gospel.
If you are an adult and would like to explore the possibilities of becoming a member of the community, please do not hesitate to contact Canon Tom in complete confidence. Normally, we ask that person to allow us to accompany them on a journey of faith.
This is sometimes referred to as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), and is a process of prayer, reflection, and exploration through which the individual and the community discern the path God wants the person to take
If you are a parent, and would like your child baptised, please contact Canon Tom to arrange a chat and to plan the baptism.
Baptisms are normally celebrated on a Sunday, during or straight after the 11 am mass. If there are particular circumstances, we can celebrate the baptism on another day.
Confirmation is normally celebrated at the age
of about 10 or 11 by the Bishop of the Diocese, but can be celebrated later in life. If you would like to complete the journey of Baptism and celebrate the personal gift of the Holy Spirit in your life, or the life of your child, please contact Canon Tom.