St Fillan’s, Crieff and St Margaret’s, Comrie
(01764) 653269
24th July 17th Sunday Cycle C
Our Father in Heaven
Sunday Mass times as usual
5.30 pm Saturday Vigil St Fillan’s
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Daily Masses and Services
Monday 7 pm
Tuesday – Friday 9.30 am
Masses online
Please note that there will be no Facebook Live broadcast on Thursday and Friday of this week and Monday of next week. Our Sunday Mass next week will be broadcast on our YouTube channel.
Canon Tom on Annual Leave
Canon Tom will be unavailable from Thursday 28th July until Monday 1st August inclusive. Canon Andrew will be celebrating Mass and will be available for emergencies; a big thank you to him. Please phone the parish number for the emergency contact.
We are very excited by Deacon Chris’ project, which counts towards his bachelor’s degree, and will be of great benefit to the parish. Part of this project involves a survey, which is available now. Please consider filling one in. This is also a stage on our synodal journey.
Dates for your diary
On Thursday 1st September at 7 pm we shall celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Canon Andrew’s priestly ordination. Please keep the date free.
Please pray for
peace in Ukraine, for refugees, for the Ukrainians who have already arrived in the parish and those who will arrive,
and for the repose of the souls of John Monaghan, Michael Boyle, Mary and Robert Lister, and all the faithful departed.