St Fillan and St Margaret
Newsletter 27th February 2022
Eighth Sunday of the Year Cycle C
Following the Master
Sunday Masses
5.30 pm Vigil St Fillan’s
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Daily Masses and Services
Monday- Tuesday 9.30 am St Fillan’s
Wednesday 2nd March is Ash Wednesday
This is day of fast and abstinence.
All those over the age of 14 are asked to abstain from meat.
All those between the ages of 18-59 are asked to abstain from meat and to fast. This means one main meal and two snacks.
These rules do not apply if you have a serious medical condition.
9.30 am in St Fillan’s
1.30 pm in St Dominic’s
6 pm in St Margaret’s
7 pm in St Fillan’s (Facebook Live)
Thursday-Friday 9.30 am
No Facebook Live Service this Monday. There will be a short reflection on Shrove Tuesday available from about 6 pm.
Sacrament of Penance
Canon Tom will be available in the church at 5 pm on Saturdays
Next Sunday the Obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays is reinstated
Children’s Mass Next Sunday, 6th March at 11 am – All Welcome
PPC Meeting
Would all members please try their best to attend on Monday 28th February 7 pm in the Hall
Please pray for
the repose of the souls of Susan Kennedy, Eileen McNally, Bill McLaughlin, Sean Gallagher (Jnr), Martin Elliot, and all the Faithful Departed.
Lent 2022
Daily Masses as normal
Mondays Facebook Live service 7.30 pm ‘To be a Pilgrim’
Tuesdays 7 pm Stations of the Cross in St Fillan’s
Also, during Lent
Small groups to meet to discuss the Synod. Details to follow.
Retreat Opportunities
Fr Denis McBride leads a free retreat for all available from 6th March on
Susan Mansfield leads a retreat – ‘Wisdom from the Desert’
2nd March – 14th April
Register at,
or email Susan on, or telephone 07803 620038.
The cost is £30. If anyone wants to do this and can’t afford the funds, please speak to Canon Tom and he will be happy to help out.
Holy Week Services
St Fillan’s, Crieff
Holy Thursday 14th April Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7 pm
Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3 pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 9 pm
Easter Sunday Masses as normal 9.30 am in St Margaret’s and 11 am in St Fillan’s