St Fillan’s, Crieff and St Margaret’s, Comrie
(01764) 653269
28th August 2022 22nd Sunday of the Year C
Looking to the needs of others
Sunday Mass times as usual
5.30 pm Saturday Vigil St Fillan’s
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Daily Masses and Services
Monday 7 pm
Tuesday – Friday 9.30 am
Thursdays (unless announced) St Margaret’s 9.30 am
Facebook Live Services, as such, will recommence on Monday October 24th. Our theme will be the future of devotional life in the Church. However, during September, there will be several videos broadcast inviting reflection on various themes.
Canon Andrew Clark
On Thursday 1st September at 7 pm we shall celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Canon Andrew’s priestly ordination. This will be followed by a buffet in the hall. All are welcome.
Social Action Survey
Please hand in your forms by the end of the month
St Fillan’s Memorial Hall
Please consider responding to Canon Tom’s appeal for members of a hall committee.
PPC Meeting
Please note that the next Parish pastoral Council Meeting is on Monday 29th August at 7.30 pm. It is very important that all members try to attend as there will be several important items to discuss.
Readers and Extraordinary Ministers
We need to look at the situation here with some urgency. Those who have read in the past and would like to read again, please see Canon Tom.
Camino de Santiago
As announced on the Feast of St James, Canon Tom would like to organise a pilgrimage to Santiago, with perhaps pilgrims walking part of the Camino, and arriving in Santiago de Compostela a day or two before the Feast Day on 25th July 2024 (Thursday that year). Would anyone who is interested, please contact Canon Tom in the next couple of weeks?
Dates for your diaries
Sacraments’ Meeting for Parents 31st August
Canon Tom invites all parents of children who are at the stage of celebrating their sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion), to attend a meeting in St Fillan’s Hall on Wednesday 31st August at 5 pm. Please come to this meeting as there will be important information, and changes announced in the way we celebrate these sacraments in the future.
Children’s Mass 4th September
The next children’s mass is on Sunday 4th September at 11 am. Please encourage young families to come.
Mariposa Trust service for those who have lost babies 11th September
The Mariposa Trust, which supports those who have lost babies at any stage in pregnancy, is holding a series of services throughout Scotland. The nearest service to us will take place in Dunblane Cathedral on Sunday 11th September at 3 pm. For more information and to see the work of the Trust, please visit their site at
National Youth Pilgrimage 24th September
This year, the National Youth Pilgrimage will take place on Saturday 24th September in Dunkeld (as in the village which gives the name to our Diocese). Please follow the Dunkeld Youth Service Facebook Page and website for details. This is a great opportunity to meet young people across Scotland. If you are of high school age and above, please contact Canon Tom.
Scottish National Pilgrimage and the relics of St Bernadette 25th and 28th September
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Carfin Grotto. To celebrate, the relics of St Bernadette are due to be brought to Carfin in September. The Mass to celebrate the National pilgrimage is on Sunday 25th September at 3 pm, and the Diocese of Dunkeld has joined with the Diocese of Paisley to lead events on Wednesday 28th September. Parish and school groups are encouraged to visit on that day. If anyone is interested in going, please put your name and contact details down on the sheet provided. Please turn up on the day if you have put your name down to go!
Please pray for: peace in Ukraine, for refugees, for the Ukrainians who have already arrived in the parish and those who will arrive, and for the repose of the souls of Roman Fercz, Billy Cooper, Hugh and Moira McCluskey, and all the faithful departed.