St Fillan and St Margaret
Newsletter 30th January 2022
Fourth Sunday of the Year Cycle C
The Prophet of God
Sunday Masses
5.30 pm Vigil St Fillan’s
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Daily Masses and Services
Monday- Friday 9.30 am St Fillan’s
Morning Prayer Monday-Friday 8 am St Margaret’s
Facebook Live Service Monday 7.30 pm
Sacrament of Penance
Canon Tom will be available in the church at 5 pm on Saturdays
Children’s Mass
Please note that we are postponing the Children’s Mass until the First Sunday of Lent, Sunday 6th March
Would all parents of children due to celebrate First Holy Communion or Confirmation please contact Canon Tom by Tuesday 1st February if they haven’t already done so?
Towards a Synodal Church
From the 4th of February, an online questionnaire will be available on the diocesan website. We shall provide a link to that on our website and Facebook page just as soon as we have it. Next Sunday an introduction will be read out at the Sunday masses and a paper version of the questionnaire will be available. This questionnaire is for anyone, individually or collectively, who wishes to submit their responses.
We shall give dates for submission and the next stage of the process.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 28th February 7 pm PPC Meeting
Sunday 6th March First Sunday of Lent and Children’s Mass
Sunday 27th March celebration for Canon Andrew
Saturday 28th May Diaconate Ordination of Chris McCrosson
Please pray for
the repose of the souls of Michael Coyle, David and Josephine Thomson, and all the faithful departed.