St Fillan’s, Crieff and St Margaret’s, Comrie
(01764) 653269
6th November 32nd Sunday of the Year C
Hope in the Lord
Sunday Mass times as usual
5.30 pm Saturday Vigil St Fillan’s
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Daily Masses and Services – Please note sight change
Monday – Wednesday 9.30 am
Thursday 9.30 am in St Margaret’s
Friday 9.30 am
St Fillan’s is open for private prayer Monday-Friday and on Sundays from after Mass until it gets dark.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 5 pm – 5.15 pm in the sacristy until further notice.
Please note: Canon Tom not usually available on Fridays except for emergencies
Children’s Mass is today (Sunday 6th November) at 11 am in St Fillan’s. All are welcome!
A huge thanks
Our Mass with the Bishop to celebrate 150th Anniversary of the blessing of the present church building of St Fillan on Tuesday 1st November was a lovely occasion. There was a good turnout, despite its being a ‘school night’ and poor weather. The liturgy and singing were excellent as always, and the spread in the hall afterwards was superb. Our thanks to all involved.
Apologies to the technical difficulties which prevented us from broadcasting.
November – Month of the Holy Souls
Thank you so much for your generosity towards Masses for the Holy Souls. Masses will be celebrated throughout November for all those whose names appear on our November Lists. If you haven’t yet handed in your list, please do so as soon as you can so that Canon Tom can read through the names and add the list to the basket.
Benches in St Fillan’s
The restoration of the benches in St Fillan’s is nearly finished. Our sincere thanks to those who have already donated, it is very much appreciated.
November – Dates for your diary
Sunday 13th November
Remembrance Sunday – Act of Remembrance at 11 am before the start of Mass
Monday 14th November 7 pm in St Fillan’s and on Facebook Live
Service for the Bereaved
Wednesday 16th November
St Margaret’s Day – 9.30 am Mass that day in St Margaret’s, Comrie
Monday 21st November
NET Ministries in St John’s Academy, Perth
Sunday 27th November
First Sunday of Advent
Monday 28th November
PPC Meeting 7pm in the Parish Hall – we ask all members to attend this very important meeting
December – Dates for your Diary first half of December
Sunday 4th December 11 am (Second Sunday of Advent)
Mass celebrated by priests from the Redemptorist Community followed by exposition and Benediction in the afternoon (time TBC)
Monday 5th December 6.30 pm
Service of Reconciliation led by priests from the Redemptorist Community.
Sunday 11th December
Children’s Mass followed by Christmas Fayre in the Parish Hall
Please pray for
the repose of the souls of
Margaret Cusack, Margaret Kiernan, Teresa Wejner, John Chapman, and all the faithful departed.