St Fillan and St Margaret
Newsletter 6th February 2022
Fifth Sunday of the Year Cycle C
Put out into the Deep
Sunday Masses
5.30 pm Vigil St Fillan’s
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Daily Masses and Services
Monday- Friday 9.30 am St Fillan’s
Morning Prayer in St Margaret’s to resume during Lent
Facebook Live Service Monday 7.30 pm
Sacrament of Penance
Canon Tom will be available in the church at 5 pm on Saturdays
Children’s Mass
Please note that we are postponing the Children’s Mass until the First Sunday of Lent, Sunday 6th March
Towards a Synodal Church
The online questionnaire is available at the diocesan website at
Paper copies will be distributed today.
Please take the time to fill n one of these and return them or fill one in online by Friday 4th March.
An introduction to the process in the Diocese will be read out at masses on Sunday.
Please see the parish website for other details of the synodal process.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 28th February 7 pm PPC Meeting
Sunday 6th March First Sunday of Lent and Children’s Mass
Sunday 27th March celebration for Canon Andrew
Saturday 28th May Diaconate Ordination of Chris McCrosson
Please pray for
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as she celebrates the Platinum Jubilee of her accession to the throne.
Archbishop-Elect William Nolan who has been nominated the new Archbishop of Glasgow