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St Fillan’s, Crieff and St Margaret’s, Comrie

(01764) 653269

11th December 2022 3rd Sunday of Advent A

Rejoice, the Lord is near!

Sunday Mass times as usual

5.30 pm Saturday Vigil St Fillan’s

9.30 am St Margaret’s

11 am St Fillan’s

Daily Masses and Services

Monday – Friday 9.30 am in St Fillan’s

No morning Mass in St Margaret’s this week.

Funeral Mass for Noreen Reilly 12.30 pm Thursday 15th December

St Fillan’s is open for private prayer Monday-Friday and on Sundays from after Mass until it gets dark.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 5 pm – 5.15 pm in the sacristy until further notice.

Please note: Canon Tom is not usually available on Fridays except for emergencies

Hall Booking: If you would like to book the parish hall, please email Maureen Pearson at

Thanks to all who came to the Mass and Service led by Fr Charlie last week.

Saturday 10th December and Sunday 11th December 3rd Sunday of Advent

Our 5.30 pm Vigil Mass will focus on healing and a special blessing will be given to all who are ill.

The 11 am Mass will be our Children’s Mass, and this will be followed by our Christmas Fayre in the Hall. Funds will go to the Hall refurbishment project.

Warm Places’ Scheme

St Fillan’s is taking part in this project and the Parish Hall will be open on Fridays from 2pm – 4pm starting this Friday 2nd December. Please help if you can and if you are able to be involved, please contact Rosanna Ottolini on (01764) 654039

Christians Against Poverty

Thank you for your incredible generosity to this project. This year, again, we are asking for goods or donations to go towards Christmas Hampers for those who are trying to find their way out of debt.

Mary’s Meals

A bit like Peter Kay, after an absence, we have been called again to the Coop to sing Carols on Sunday the 18th of December – the week before Christmas – from 1 pm – 3pm. What a great way to get into the Christmas Spirit!

Icy Weather!

We do have beautiful grounds but the drawback in the winter is obvious. Canon Tom is in negotiations with a company to try to provide some gritting at the weekend but meanwhile we shall have to fend for ourselves. Would you be willing to make yourself available for some snow clearing and gritting? Please contact Canon Tom.

Service of Readings and Carols

A Service of Readings and Carols will be held in St Andrew’s Church, Strathearn Terrace on Sunday 18th December at 7 pm led by Rev Ian Roy and organised by Christians Together in Crieff. All welcome!

Masses for Christmas and the New Year

Christmas Eve

4pm (Children and young families) and 9 pm in St Fillan’s.

Christmas Day

9.30 am in St Margaret’s

11 am in St Fillan’s.

Christmas Week and celebration of the Christmas Feasts

Masses from 26th December until Friday 30th December as usual at 9.30 am in St Fillan’s

New Year’s Eve – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

4 pm in St Margaret’s and 5.30 pm in St Fillan’s (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE TO USUAL SUNDAY MASS TIME IN ST MARGARET’S).

New Year’s Day - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

11 am in St Fillan’s.

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Noreen Reilly, Gerard Grattan, and

all the faithful departed.

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Tel: 01764 653269

Address: St Fillan's RC Parish

Ford Road, Crieff PH7 3HN


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