Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Auchterarder
Dear Parishioner,
At Mass last Wednesday, Monsignor Basil announced that he intended to move the celebration of Mass back into the Church during winter months. The target date for this is Sunday, 1st November. Until then the Garden Masses will continue on a Wednesday and Sunday; you should continue to book a place at each Mass you want to attend with Clare Monaghan, our Recorder - Email: ourladysreg@gmail.com or telephone 684330.
Following the return to the Church there will be 3 Masses each week: Wednesday at 10am, Saturday at 11am & Sunday at 9.30am. Attendance will be limited to 2 stewards and 8 households. With this limitation it is clear that parishioners will not be able to attend Mass every week and a rota system will need to be introduced. It is therefore important that you let our Recorder, Clare, know what your preferences are, e.g. your order of preference might be Sunday; Wednesday; Saturday. To ensure you are listed on a rota, you should act on this by Sunday, 18th October, using the contact details above.
Priority is to be given to households with children for each Sunday. Priority on Saturday and Sunday is to be given to working households.
Because of the limitation on numbers for each Mass, it will be necessary to set up a cycle of attendance that may span 2 or 3 weeks, depending on what a household's preferences are. Before the start of each cycle the Recorder will need to send an invite to a household to attend a Mass on a particular date within that cycle. Acceptance/inability to attend will need to be reported by a given date/time. No alternative Mass may be available if non-attendance results. No parishioner should expect to attend more than one Mass per cycle, except for those with children.
Those who have volunteered to act as a Steward, and are registered so, will be asked to attend particular Masses and will receive separate advice about attendance.
Following each Mass the Church will need to be sanitized under the coordination of Mary McGraw and Sheila Perera.
Collection money can be placed in a basket at the back of the Church when attending.
Gaining a consensus for the implementation of this policy within the laity is difficult under the present circumstances when we are unable to hold meetings. To make it work it will need everyone's cooperation. However, if you can offer any comments to enhance what is envisaged, please do make your views known. With experience it will no doubt be necessary to adjust procedures as we progress.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, pray for us.