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What the visiting group do?
We visit Parishioners and their family members and sometimes non Parishioners especially the ones who have become housebound and are unable to come to church anymore or need transport to get to church or are unwell at home, in a Care home, in hospital, bereaved, depressed, alone, lonely, struggling mentally and physically.
We visit for companionships, to give a helping hand to do shopping, go out for a walk or coffee or to be a friend, an ear or a shoulder to lean on.
We visit as a pair for PVG reasons. We visit weekly, forth nightly or monthly depending on the arrangements between the visiting partners. Some of us take communion to Parishioners we visit and so can visit alone.
Would you like to get involved?
Our visiting group invite you to consider if you have a spare hour or two per month and would like to start getting involved in visiting, to give their names to Canon Tom.
Would you like to have a visit?
If you would like to become a parish visitor, or know someone who would like to have a visit, please contact
Canon Tom.
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