St Fillan and St Margaret
Newsletter 19th December 2021 – 2nd January 2022
Fourth Sunday of Advent Cycle C – Solemnity of the Epiphany
On those who wait in darkness a great light has shone
A very Happy Christmas and Good New Year to all parishioners and their family and friends.
Thank you for your generosity and perseverance over this last year!
A note about attending Mass in Person
Please note that, aside from some minor adjustments, no new restrictions, as yet, have been introduced for attending Mass. We would ask that everyone follow the measures already in place, as you have been generously doing, and that we exercise common sense in giving people space and arriving in good time for Mass so that there is no last minute ‘crowding’.
The situation may change, and notice will be given on our website, Facebook page and through announcements.
Times of Masses over the next two weeks (unless otherwise advertised)
Monday 20th December – Thursday 23rd December 9.30 am
Funeral Mass for Johnny Grilli Thursday 23rd December at 11 am
Christmas Eve
No Morning Mass
Vigil for young families 4 pm, St Fillan’s, Crieff
Mass at Night 9 pm, St Fillan’s
Christmas Day
9.30 am, St Margaret’s, Comrie
11 am, St Fillan’s
Please note: no 5.30 pm Vigil
Sunday 26th December – Feast of the Holy Family
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Monday 27th-Friday 31st 9.30 am in St Fillan’s
New Year’s Day – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
11 am St Fillan’s
Sunday Masses for the Solemnity of the Epiphany as usual – the obligation to attend Mass in person is reinstated (at the time of this bulletin being published)
5.30 pm Vigil (1st) St Fillan’s
9.30 am St Margaret’s
11 am St Fillan’s
Monday 3rd January 2022-Friday 7th January 9.30 am as usual
Sacrament of Penance
Canon Tom will be available in the church at 5 pm on Saturdays
(Excluding Christmas Day)
Facebook Live Service Monday 20th December at 7.30 pm
Your Favourite Carols – Join Canon Tom for some Festive Fun as we look at some of our favourite carols
No Facebook Live Services over the Christmas and New Year Period
Our next Facebook Live Service will be on Monday 10th January at 7.30 pm
Coming back to Mass in person:
Please read the letter from the Bishops’ Conference on Christmas and the restoration of the Sunday Obligation
It is on our website and there is a link from our Facebook page.
Please pray for
the repose of the souls of Johnny Grilli, Robbie Welsh, Ian Winter, Harold Ragsdale, William Whelan, John O’Donnell, and all the faithful departed.